Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy New Year 155 521 972 949 112!!!

Happy New Year 155 521 972 949 112!!!
If you had a chance to pay attention to what a culturally literate person performing any religious rite in India recites what is called as a "Sankalpa", you would find that the person is actually describing the time elapsed since the dawn of Universe. The Sankalpa goes like this:

Bhrahmanah Dwitiyaparardhe, Shwetavarah kalpe,Vaivasvata Manvantare,
Kaliyuge, Prathama Charane, Sarvadhari naama Samvatsare, Chaitramaase,
Shukla Pakshe, Prathama tithau, Somvasare, JambuDweepe Bharata Khande,
Bharata Varshe


"Today, the second half of Brahma's life in Vaivaswat Manvantar andShvetvarah Kalpa and the first part of Kaliyuga, in the year named Vikruti in the month of Chaitra in brighter half on first date in the holy land of Bharat in Jambudweep(Asia) This is of great significance
for understanding the Hindu way of counting the age of universe. Here is the short glimpse.

The calculation of total time measured by Hindu calendar can be easily accomplished by replacing the terms used in the above sankalpa by the respective numerical equivalents. Yes, Dwitiya parardhe, Shwetavarah kalpe,Vaivasvata Manvantare, Kaliyuge, Pratham Charane etc termsused in the above sankalpa by the respective numerical equivalents. Yes, Dwitiya parardhe, Shwetavarah kalpe,Vaivasvata Manvantare, Kaliyuge, Pratham Charane etc terms signify some time associated with them.

Time Elapsed (In Years) Head Notes
5,111 Kaliyuga Total duration of Kaliyuga = 4,32,000 years. After the Mahabharat war
38,88,000 Satya, Treta and Dwapar Yugs Satya, Treta and Dwapara are 4,3
and 2 times of Kali Yug respectively.
11,66,40,000 27 Mahayugas 1 Mahayuga = Satya + Treta + Dwapar + Kali Yuga.
1,85,06,88,000 6 Manvantars 1 Manvantar = 71 Mahayug + 1 Satya Yuga.
17,28,000 Satyayug at the beginning of Kalpa 1 Kalpa = Brahma�s Half Day
155520,00,00,00,000 50 Years of Brahma 1 Brahma�s Year = 360 Brahma�s Days
1 Brahma�s Day = 2 Kalpas
1 Kalpa = 14 Manvantara + 1 Satya Yuga (= 1000 Mahayugs)

The coming year is 5112 in Kaliyuga and is named �Vikruti�.

And the Indian Calendar makes sense. Take a look: