Sunday, November 30, 2008
Indian Traditional Research Methodology
Dear Aspirants,
" Aye, gone mad and want others go mad?" Not at all. Indian Tradition is Arsha Parampara. It means that which is seen and saved by a Rishi. It is possible to trace and download the required branch of Vidya, meaning Vedic science. But it demands qualifying sign up and registration in the specific domain where the pattern of Consciousness which governs the particular Vidya is available as Devata. And the preparations for this demand time and energy which are properly managed and adequately applied.
You are invited to look forward to a National Conference on this topic to be announced soon here.
Let wisdom prevail.
Friday, June 20, 2008
New findings.
Dear aspirants,
New experiences provide new insights and they in turn open up new possibilities.
Having discovered the potential for becoming a WikiEducator I have found that my
efforts bear fruits.
Here is the link to verify and "taste" it!
If this inspires you, why then delay? Get wikified for a noble cause initiated
by the COL, that is Common Wealth of Learning. Go to :
New experiences provide new insights and they in turn open up new possibilities.
Having discovered the potential for becoming a WikiEducator I have found that my
efforts bear fruits.
Here is the link to verify and "taste" it!
If this inspires you, why then delay? Get wikified for a noble cause initiated
by the COL, that is Common Wealth of Learning. Go to :
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Learning without Language.
Dear Aspirant,
The moment I discovered the truth of a statement - change or be changed
- I decided to go ahead to go online
to learn and teach using what is at disposal free of cost.
The learners of the changing times, the new learners, are digital natives.
Better be a digital migrant than remaining an outsider.
As a result I found WikiEducator through LearnHub.
There at Citizenship I have
commenced a new online Course titled Learning without
You may come over there to take the course for free.
Instead of daily posts here I am limiting it to twice a month to make it possible to
spare more time for WikiEducator and associated work.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Global Platform for Global Citizen.
Namasthe, Aspirants!
Expansion of Consciousness and Protection of Expansion is an intimate theme of Tantra research and experience.
This aspiration and pursuit has gathered greater momentum recently as I discovered my online presence for teaching and learning.
Yes. This happened when I decided that I ought to research using today's tools. Or else tomorrow, yesterday's tools might become inadequate. And the outcome is :
More about the online onward journey after constituting the Culture-centric Global Citizenship in Wikipedia.
Wait to sign up. Hasten slowly.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Expansion by choice.
Dear Aspirant,
I thought it is proper to address you as aspirant because I want
you to aspire for inner EXPANSION by choice.
Yes,indeed it is a matter of choice.
If you choose, you are chosen. One who chooses God is chosen by God.
This is first requisite to register the soul in the Divine Domain
of Expansion.
Out of millions and millions one appreciates this spiritual fact. Among such
admirers one realizes the need for it. One among such souls feels the urgency
It is then and then alone can one find the web within and the site
where the Lord takes the soul into confidence and accepts the password.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Home, A Hermitage.
Dear Reader,
Tantra does not teach licentiousness. It does not advocate escapism.
It prepares the instruments of life to live life in its fullness.
One's home is the laboratory where one has to put to test the lessons
of self-mastery.
Tantra teaches the art of placing things and beings where they fall
in line with the Cosmic Life Energy patterns and participate in
cosmic rhythm and harmony.
The home becomes a hermitage with a difference.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Between the Eyebrows.
Dear Reader,
When you close your eyes, does your attention converge on a point between the eyebrows without any effort?
Are you able to track the process of getting into sleep?
Are you able to observe the waking up of the inner instrument?
Are you able to see yourself as a being distinct and different from the physical body?
Try these and then verify where you stand.
Log in. Hasten slowly.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Opening of The Third Eye.
Dear Reader,
When the soul stops searching and starts seeing, the Third Eye is opened.
The Past-Present-Future Time slots do not condition this Vision of Transcendence.
It is the Lord's Eye.
It illumines darkness and light.
It leads the soul from darkness to light.
It is Satyam-Shivam-Sundaram.
It opens in the soul when the Lord extends His Eye.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Talented, Gifted and Blessed.
Dear Reader,
I very strongly feel that my life has been a preparation to the discovery of blessedness.
One who is not aware of one's talents is a fool. Shun such persons because they deny themselves.
One who is aware of the talents, and yet does not activate them, is abusing oneself.
One who expresses the talents is recognized as the gifted.
One who strives to help others to identify the spiritual resources and use them to serve humanity and God, is blessed.
Talents can lead one to blessedness if they are directed God ward.
Discover your talents in the company of the blessed ones.
Share the joy of that discovery with like-minded people.
Pray and leave the rest to the Lord's Tantra.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Wave and the Ocean.
Dear Reader,
The wave always belongs to the ocean; the soul, to God.
Hence each soul is potentially divine.
A wave can never accomplish what the ocean does by nature.
But it can discover its place along the shore and across far and wide.
It can feel the depth and leap to great heights.
Tantra teaches how to be a wave in the ocean.
And one gains repose in the waveless ocean of Bliss.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Going inward.
Dear Reader,
Going inward is spiritually enchanting experience.
At the same time it can be a ride at the cost of normal daily existence, because one is likely to lose track of common space and time.
The pitfalls are too many to be mentioned. Hence constant guidance of the Master is a must.
Chant the Holy Names of the Lord at the top most voice without opening the mouth.
Yes, it is possible.
Make use of the musical scales mentally and go as high as possible.
Listen to yourself.
This is one of the ways.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Aspects of Divine Grace.
According to the Vedic tradition there are four aspects of Grace. They are i) Scriptures ii) Acaharya/Teacher;Guru at a later stage iii)Omnipotence of the Lord and iv)one's own self.
This is a way of understanding Grace from the level of a beginner seeker.
The Vedic Scriptures prescribe in detail the practices to render the instruments of life receptive to the intimations of the Infinite Lord in all states of experiences, at all levels of existence and expressions.
The individual mind is linked to the cosmic mind and the Vedas are the container and content which connect the microcosm to the macrocosm.
He who chooses is chosen. Be graceful to oneself.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Everything begins with the Parents.
Dear Reader,
The parents are responsible for embodying our soul into the human form. I came to know from my mother that she had undertaken a series of vows to beget me. I am not their only child. I am the 8th one. But the fact is that she had the insight that her 8th child will be with her during her last moments. And it did happen.
No sacrament is validated without her participation along with the father of the child.
Each sacrament progressively leads to the next one. Hence the cultured parents take extra care to fulfil the sacramental requirements according to the Vedic schedule.
The sacraments effect culture transfer while bringing about the refinement in the subject who is subjected to the procedure of a given sacrament.
Hence it is the duty of a seeker of Spiritual Path to remain always within the grace-fold of the parents.
Hari Om.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Parents : Embodiment of Shiva-Shakti.
Dear Reader,
According to the Indian spiritual tradition one's mother is the first teacher.
The father is given next place. The teacher in the gurkulam or rshikulum(residential centre of learning) becomes the second parents.
May you discover the Divine in your mother; then in your father; then in your teacher. This Vedic Convocational Prescription given by the Teacher when the students leave the campus is to be followed throughout the life.
There are guided meditations in the text books of Tantra which activate the links between the seeker, the parents and the Cosmic Father-Mother Principle.
But everything begins with one's parents.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Head and Heart in Unison.
Dear Reader,
It is possible to remain in Prayer 24X7.
Even during sleep and dreams. But this comes by practice.
Well, Did you read the previous post on Experiential Learning?
There we saw what prayer is. It is remaining receptive. It takes
alertness. It takes acting out of happiness.
It takes the faith that I am being taken care of.
The head should discover all values related to Prayer and the
heart should transform them into virtues.
When this process is complete, then the Shiva-Shakti union Takes
Hypocrisy of any kind denies and cancels union and unison.
Sign up, hasten slowly.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Experiential Learning continues.
Dear Reader,
Some one said, " As man ages, he manages."
There is a man in every woman in every sense. Wo+man=woman! Behind every successful man there is a woman, goes the saying.Why behind? Perhaps, not allowed to come to the fore! Within also there is a woman and she is veiled in and by the intellect. The man within is centred in the heart and is called PURUSHA. The woman is called SHAKTI.
Until SHIVA-SHAKTI union takes place within, 360 degree resourcefulness will not be revealed.
Remain in Prayer.
Being always receptive is remaining in Prayer.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Experiential Learning.
Dear Reader,
Life is a series of unbroken experiences. Without continuous supply of energies this series would not take place. Every experience comprises of three factors without any of which the link in the series does not manifest.
The object of experience belongs to the Five Elements and it is sustained by the elemental energies. These are physical energies.
Unless the instruments of experience come in contact with the object, the experience will not take place. The contacts are made possible by the elemental energies. These are mental energies.
The experiencer is constant factor, ever present in every experience. The energies of this factor belong to the Almighty who wields the three worlds of objects, instruments and the experiencers. All these energies are universal and they operate according to the Dynamics of Cosmic Consolidation.
A normal birth itself is the sign of Divine Grace. Further, through various sacraments, life gradually gets attuned to the cosmic harmony and the experiencer comprehends the spiritual dimensions of experiential learning.
This learning involves listening within and seeing within. What is heard is Sruti and what is seen is Darsanam .
What is thus learnt may be veiled, or recollected and again it is regulated by the Lord.
Read, reflect, and remain in Prayer.
Hari Om.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
How to tap the Universal Sources of Life Energy?
Dear Reader,
The title does not intend to tickle your scientific curiosity, precisely because the topic belongs to another domain.
At one end of this domain is the aspiring heart which has the eye of faith opened and the devotion has gained right direction. Ask yourself,"Am I a devotee?".
Ask yourself,"Is my faith firm and clear?"
Know for certain that the other end of the domain is at ZERO DISTANCE. Not even a click away!
Closer than your eyes are the icons of the Sun and the Moon.
You have to log in to the Lord's Heart. Hasten slowly.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Happy Moment...
A veil of potential scam created by the robot is lifted after a short duration of eclipse.
Thanks to the Google Team.
The irony is that there can be items which are objectionable in the next blog and one has to exercise the sweet free will to continue or not. This only proves that mind is greater than matter and that the robot cannot on its own 'understand' the human mind.
Never mind!
But, dear reader,
Another thing occured today. It was due to a click that the topic meant for this blog got posted to the sister blog(elder to this) titled SRD:360degree resourcefulness. Again,
Never mind!
Whatever happened, it happened for good. In the process this blog gained the bonus:
Things are taken care of .
Monday, March 3, 2008
Reciprocative Dynamics of Tantra.
At the outset I thank those who have responded by commenting upon the blogs. Ms YK, VCM is the first person to do that. That too early morning. The communication format chosen for this blog is that of dialogue. It is the way of Tantra. By the way, what is Tantra? Please read the following before going to the answer.
Searching for nature-based culture is not the same as going back to the Nature. It would be life sans civilization. Beach resort culture, weekend picnic and many other natural escapist distractions are perhaps less harmful than virtual entertainment imprisonment. Sensual exhaustion of any kind drains the life energy resources and the body develops a mechanism to sustain itself every time by going to the reserve energy which is not a perennial source. A stage would come when the body becomes non-receptive to any energy support. Not even medicine will work in such a body. Hence all that is required is to reawaken and refine the senses by following time tested practices.
The answer to the question what is ‘Tantra?’ begins here. Etymologically the term Tantra is a compound of two words derived from two roots in Sanskrit. One root conveys expansion and the other, protection. This protection can be invoked in manifold ways. There are preventive, defensive, curative and rejuvenating tools which function in a positive way.
Yesterday SVN,a friend from Mysore, India responded over phone to tell me that he is mailing a comment on the blogs. This blog is exclusively on performance research in Tantra proper and the comments, doubts, and cross references will be integrated into the body of this blog. Nothing official and offencive about this because I dare not mention them unless I know them personally.
A group is in the making!
The Great Night of the Cosmic Dancer(Maha Siva Ratri)is on 6th March, 2008. Satyam Shivam Sundaram.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Tantra defined.
The ancient text books of Tantra are in the form of dialogues between Male enquirer and Female 'answerer' or the other way, Female enquirer and Male 'answerer'.
Dear reader,
Here also the same pattern is being followed. Within you and me there are these two possibilities. Some questions proceed from the feminine aspect and the answer obviously comes from the masculine aspect. Some questions proceed from the masculine aspect and the answer comes from the feminine aspect.
Proceed slowly and carefully. Not enough. These two acts are gross, physical centred performances.
Many things are going on in the name of Tantra. So it is better to begin with what Tantra is not.
The West heard about Tantra from Sir John Woodroffe. He was studied, and not Tantra because what he said was like holding a picture of a lamp in darkness.
He published original texts, wrote about those texts, called for unpublished manuscripts, all said and done, Tantra got interpreted in many ways to be taken for what it is not. Tantra is not sex. It is not anything which leads to sex. It does not proceed from sex.Let us get prepared to get into Tantra through WWWWW, that is world wide wisdom web within you and me. This is based on my doctoral thesis on Tantra. The photo given on this blog is real, and the PhD Degree being awarded to me by the Vice Chancellor of Mangalore University, India is on the focus.
It is necessary to introduce the basic terms which facilitate the correct
understanding of Tantra. Wait and watch for the next blog-post.
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