Monday, March 3, 2008

Reciprocative Dynamics of Tantra.

At the outset I thank those who have responded by commenting upon the blogs. Ms YK, VCM is the first person to do that. That too early morning. The communication format chosen for this blog is that of dialogue. It is the way of Tantra. By the way, what is Tantra? Please read the following before going to the answer.
Searching for nature-based culture is not the same as going back to the Nature. It would be life sans civilization. Beach resort culture, weekend picnic and many other natural escapist distractions are perhaps less harmful than virtual entertainment imprisonment. Sensual exhaustion of any kind drains the life energy resources and the body develops a mechanism to sustain itself every time by going to the reserve energy which is not a perennial source. A stage would come when the body becomes non-receptive to any energy support. Not even medicine will work in such a body. Hence all that is required is to reawaken and refine the senses by following time tested practices.
The answer to the question what is ‘Tantra?’ begins here. Etymologically the term Tantra is a compound of two words derived from two roots in Sanskrit. One root conveys expansion and the other, protection. This protection can be invoked in manifold ways. There are preventive, defensive, curative and rejuvenating tools which function in a positive way.

Yesterday SVN,a friend from Mysore, India responded over phone to tell me that he is mailing a comment on the blogs. This blog is exclusively on performance research in Tantra proper and the comments, doubts, and cross references will be integrated into the body of this blog. Nothing official and offencive about this because I dare not mention them unless I know them personally.

A group is in the making!

The Great Night of the Cosmic Dancer(Maha Siva Ratri)is on 6th March, 2008. Satyam Shivam Sundaram.

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