Saturday, March 1, 2008

Tantra defined.

The ancient text books of Tantra are in the form of dialogues between Male enquirer and Female 'answerer' or the other way, Female enquirer and Male 'answerer'.

Dear reader,

Here also the same pattern is being followed. Within you and me there are these two possibilities. Some questions proceed from the feminine aspect and the answer obviously comes from the masculine aspect. Some questions proceed from the masculine aspect and the answer comes from the feminine aspect.

Proceed slowly and carefully. Not enough. These two acts are gross, physical centred performances.

Many things are going on in the name of Tantra. So it is better to begin with what Tantra is not.

The West heard about Tantra from Sir John Woodroffe. He was studied, and not Tantra because what he said was like holding a picture of a lamp in darkness.

He published original texts, wrote about those texts, called for unpublished manuscripts, all said and done, Tantra got interpreted in many ways to be taken for what it is not. Tantra is not sex. It is not anything which leads to sex. It does not proceed from sex.Let us get prepared to get into Tantra through WWWWW, that is world wide wisdom web within you and me. This is based on my doctoral thesis on Tantra. The photo given on this blog is real, and the PhD Degree being awarded to me by the Vice Chancellor of Mangalore University, India is on the focus.

It is necessary to introduce the basic terms which facilitate the correct
understanding of Tantra. Wait and watch for the next blog-post.

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